
Doing Business with Bizazz t/a SuttonNet

Our contracts and policies are designed to treat business relationships as valuable, and help avoid pitfalls by spelling out clear, shared expectations.

Here are some links and Q & A's regarding our policies and contracts.

Web development & hosting agreement

About this Agreement
  • Why the two bundled together?

    When we take on building a website for a new client, the client also commits to webhosting with us. It's a package deal and that has to be recognised in the Agreement from the start.

  • Who invented the Agreement?

    Our web development & hosting agreement was drafted with professional help from Legalvision. There is huge variety & complexity in the projects that this agreement has to cover.

  • Can't we just shake hands?

    Creating websites is an area where things can go badly amiss, with different expectations or misunderstandings between developer and client. Industry jargon is poorly defined. There are points that need to be agreed and clarified, eg what is expected of the finished website, who owns the code, agreement on potential specifications changes, and how much support/training. Written contracts spell out what is required from the service provider and the client. This helps protect everyone.

  • How does it work?

    Continuing clients - hosting

    You will receive a tailored Schedule with your first hosting invoice. The Schedule & invoice together set out:

    New clients & new projects

    When you begin a new website project or start hosting with us, you will receive:

    1. our Web Development & Hosting Agreement. This document sets out our general terms of service. It applies throughout the whole time (Term) that you host your website or email with us;
    2. a covering schedule, with attached project specifications if needed. These spell out the parties involved, description of the project, timelines, costs and any materials that you need to provide;
    3. an acceptance form (execution) signed by us and with space for your signature.


    You can indicate your acceptance via signature, via a brief return email or simply via payment of the invoice.

    If you ask us to do other work later, eg to upgrade your website or host another domain: the specifications & accepted quote for the new work come under the same agreement.

View our development & hosting agreement

Web Development and Webhosting Terms & Conditions

Schedule proforma

Execution proforma

See our acceptable webpage content policy in more detail.

If we update our Agreement, we'll give you 30 days' notice of the change by email.

Other service terms

Other Services: Terms and Conditions

These Terms cover domain names, security certificates and other reseller services and IT support services.

Webpage content services including preparation of promotional and instructional videos for websites are covered by the Development & Hosting Agreement.

Privacy & confidentiality: we have access to clients' business data, passwords, confidential plans and customer & sales records in the course of our work. You can view our policy below.

Privacy & Confidentiality policy