Domain Registrations & Renewals
Ever failed to renew your domain names on time?
Websites go down and emails no longer arrive. It's bad for business, bad for online reputation and bad for search engine rankings. And it need never happen.
Bizazz manages domain name registrations and renewals for client businesses, organisations and individuals. We do more for our clients than the average domain registrar or domain reseller. We've been doing this for many years and we know the industry, the risks & the needs of SMB clientele.
Instead of giving clients passwords to an online account to manage everything domain-related themselves: we act as domain account managers, making life simpler for you.
- We keep track of passwords & expiry dates, answer your
queries and interact with the domain registrar for you.
- We renew domains, update your domain records, help you to transfer registrations to/from another business & register new domain names, quickly and easily.
- We keep up with changes to domain rules and help you understand their implications for your business/organisation.
- You only respond to domain emails & invoices sent from us;
no risk of your staff falling for domain registration scams.
- We help our clients through complex issues such as domain registration disputes.
- We're constantly in touch with your domain registrar; no risk of losing a domain account login when staff leave or you drop an old email address.
Ask about our domain name service
Synergy Wholesale Pty Ltd acts as the preferred registrar for Bizazz Pty Ltd. Bizazz uses ethical and responsible practices in reselling and managing domains for our clients.